Instruction Options

Oldtime Fiddle:
 From old standards such as Turkey in the Straw, Tennessee Waltz, Down Yonder and Black and White Rag to more contemporary contest fiddling: Gardenia Waltz, Chancellors Waltz, Clarinet Polka, Allentown Polka, Sopin' The Gravy and more.

Country Fiddle:
Fiddling for country bands: lead fiddle, intros, courses (a mixture of melody and tasteful improvisation), back-up fiddle (accompanying/complimenting the vocalist) harmony etc.

Jazz Violin:
Numerous jazz standards from Stardust to Lady Be Good, along with simple to complicated jazz improvisation ideas for soloing and accompaniment to be used in a band or in solo performances.

Western Swing:
Old Bob Wills standards: Faded Love, Time Changes Everything, Bluebonnet Lane and many more. solo swing improv., back-up fiddle, three part harmony etc.

Jole Blonde, Cajun Fiddle, and improv. Cajun fiddle technique.

A large collection of Hymn melodies, with improvisation ideas (adding tasteful licks into the melody), and contemporary Christian Worship songs and ideas for accompaniment in worship band.

Violin Tone Quality:
Emphasis on getting the best sound out of the instrument, with a particular emphasis on bow technique, control and vibrato.

Basic to advanced improv. using basic to advanced blues chord progressions. How to play blues in any key, using old blues melodies (Milk Cow Blues, C-Jam Blues etc.).

Band instruction:
How to arrange songs/tunes, how to put together various instruments in a tasteful way. How to act on stage and correspond with the audience, etc.

And much more!!!!